Final Concert Second Music Summer School

Congratulations to all our students and teachers for delivering such a wonderful performance! It was the first time for us to have 60 students together on stage: Al-Majdal Orchestra and Baysamun Choir performed Fida’i and Baburi together. The children behaved very professional on stage and had a good time with our social workers off stage. Many thanks to everyone involved, to the families and friends in the audience supporting the young students and to the President Putin Palestinian Organization for Culture and Economy for using their beautiful theater. Click here to watch pictures from the performance.
Our 65 students from Baysamun and Al-Majdal had two weeks of fun during our Music Summer School. Not only did they perform during the final concert and a concert to honor the Tawjihi students, they went swimming and learnt many new songs. Many more pictures can be found on our Facebook page.